Paws and Pause
Paws and Pause offer a doggy daycare service provided by people recovering from drug, alcohol or mental health struggles. They needed to understand the experiences of people completing their programme before scaling their service to new sites.

User research.
We worked with Paws and Pause to design their research together. Collectively we identified the key objectives of the research and the areas for discussion that would help us answer those questions.
We ran 10 in-depth interviews with current and former trainees from their programme, working to understand their journey with Paws and Pause from end-to-end.
We worked with the team to ensure participants felt comfortable taking part in the research and could attend the session via the channel that best suited them. 30% of participants disclosed a disability and we worked to ensure their needs were met through the research.

Service design.
Analysing the research we identified key themes we saw patterns of throughout the sessions. We compiled a set of tangible recommendations Paws and Pause could take forward when iterating the service provision at their new sites. We mapped these recommendations across the end-to-end service experience.
We also worked to generate a series of design opportunities that trainees could work together on generating ideas for themselves, building the capability of the organisation to use service design methods while involving trainees in the programme development.
“Having an impartial person gather feedback has been invaluable to a programme like ours as it means we can really understand how we are working with people. Also understanding what we're doing well and how we can continue to replicate this.”
— Jodie Larsen, Co-Founder