Service design

We offer an advisory service to organisations that are looking for lighter touch support and guidance with service design or co-design.

 Service Design Advisory

  • Design Advisory is lighter touch than consultancy. You do the work and we provide guidance and a sounding board as you go.

    Design Advisory is purposefully flexible. Procurement may dictate that we develop proposed outcomes for our work together but in reality we are happy to see it as a ‘bank of time’ to be used however will add the most value.

    We might:

    • Offer strategic support around establishing and scaling service design and co-design within your organisation

    • Provide guidance upfront on how to take a service design or co-design approach to a specific project or programme of work

    • Provide guidance and expertise to ensure service design and co-design approaches are inclusive and reciprocal for participants

    • Join meetings to provide a sounding board for a team as they progress their work

    • Support with the planning of workshops or design sessions and/or join them to to provide feedback on facilitation

    • Lean into more challenging parts of the process to provide extra support when things get difficult. Eg. translating research insight into tangible design solutions

  • Often organisations, especially in the charity sector, are looking to integrate service design or co-design approaches into their work but they don’t have the budget for consultancy.

    The Design Advisory service is a more affordable way to integrate these skills and approaches, while building the capability of internal teams.

    There is no set approach, design advisory offers more flexibility than consultancy - procurement allowing.

  • We are happy to work with any organisation or team however we often find this approach works really well for charities especially.

    You might have a funded programme with a small team who would benefit from taking a service design or co-design approach to the work but they need a bit of expert guidance along the way.

  • Our Design Advisory service is delivered by Joy’s founder Emma Parnell. She has 15+ years experience as a designer.

  • We can work to any budget for Design Advisory. We will create a project proposal based on the length of time and the nature of the support required. This will be based on a day rate of £675 + VAT.

  • “Emma has helped us to think through how we design new services and put lived experience at the heart of them, following a co-production approach. Emma is astute and perceptive, really understanding from the first moment what we needed to help progress things. She is also very pragmatic, recognising challenges and limitations to this kind of work, whilst helping us to keep things moving and get the most from the programme. ”

    Design Advisory client

  • "Emma inspired and supported us through the whole design cycle. She was brilliantly insightful, calm and reassuring. Crucially, she brought clarity to every stage. I cannot recommend Emma highly enough - she is empowering, experienced and a joy to work with."

    Design Advisory client

Is Service Design Advisory something your project or programme could benefit from?