Mentoring for
entry-level designers

Emma is committed to supporting entry level designers move into the user centred design industry. She has several mentoring support offers available.
Walk n talks
Free 30 minute phone calls for people looking for advice.
Walk n talks are free 30 minute unstructured conversations over the old fashioned telephone - ideally while walking through nature.
Emma releases slots into her Calendly when she has space in her diary, usually uploading at the start of the month. Just book a slot that works for you, she’ll call you at the scheduled time and you can ask/discuss anything you like.
Walk and talks are for people not currently working in the service design industry who are looking for advice. You might be a recent graduate who wants to better understand the realities of working in service design. Or maybe you’re a career shifter that wants to better understand how to enter the industry.
If you’re looking for a job and struggling with applications, a CV and portfolio review might be a more practical choice.
Unavailable until April 2025
CV and portfolio reviews
Free CV and portfolio reviews for people looking for their first job in user centred design.
It does what is says on the tin really. You send Emma your CV and portfolio and she will review them and send you feedback over email.
You fill out the form and share the links/documents and Emma sends you feedback over email.
Emma will spend a maximum of 30 minutes doing each review so feedback will be relatively high level.
Reviews are prioritised on a first come/first served basis. When you submit your request you will be added to a backlog and Emma will work through reviews when she has capacity. It may be 2-3 weeks before you receive feedback during busy work periods.
CV and portfolio reviews are for people looking to get into the user centred design industry for the first time.
If you’re struggling to get a job, this is a more practical use of Emma’s time than booking a walk and talk.
Unavailable until April 2025
Design placements
Paid design placement opportunities.
A design placement is a paid opportunity to join one of Emma’s projects. It will involve shadowing the work she does and getting hands on experience in co-design and service design.
When a suitable design project comes in that will provide a placement opportunity, Emma will advertise it (here and on LinkedIn).
If you fill out the expression of interest form you will be the first to hear. Please do not send additional emails with your CV/portfolio.
Emma will hold an interview process to select a suitable candidate. You do not need a CV or portfolio. Shortlisting will be done via an application form and interview questions will be supplied in advance.
Because Emma works as a freelancer, opportunities will be available infrequently and on an adhoc basis.
Emma’s projects are never 5 days/week 9-5. She usually works on 2-3 projects at once with days split between different clients.
Because of the nature of the work, this means all placements will be part-time, likely around 2 days a week for 3-4 months.
Emma will work with successful candidates to design placements to work for both parties.
Design placements are remote first but may involve in-person work within the UK.
Design placements are for people looking to get into the user centred design industry. Ideally you will be an aspiring service designer or co-design enthusiast. Maybe you have recently graduated or you’re looking to shift into user centred design from another industry.
You need to be living in the UK with right to work.
Emma will use a percentage of her day rate to pay an hourly rate. You will effectively be a subcontractor and will invoice for the hours worked at the end of each month.
You will need to be set up as a sole trader and account for the income via a self assessment.
Design placements pay London living wage (even if you don’t live in London).