Emma is a regular public speaker. She speaks about all things service design but is also passionate about gender inclusion and ensuring services work for everyone.

Current talks.

  • Let's talk about sex

    Working at NHS Digital, Emma worked on the national booking service for Covid-19 vaccinations. This talk is the story of a two week period of time, during the initial design and build of the service, where Emma worked to ensure the service would be inclusive for people of any sex or gender.

    You can read more about the work in this article.

  • Designing inclusive healthcare services

    There is currently a toxic rhetoric in the press that is largely based on misinformation. This is a harmful narrative which is making life really difficult for the trans community especially.

    This talk is the follow up to ‘Let’s talk about sex’. It tables a factual argument for why it's important, regardless of your views, to design inclusive healthcare services drawing on the personal and the practical.

    This talk is delivered in collaboration with Lee Brown.

Do you have an audience for one of these talks?